New Member Artists Show 2024
Submissions for the New Artists Show 2024 will be open from Sunday, September 1st – Monday, September 30th.
Artists who are selected will be informed in mid-October. The Show will open to the public on Friday, December 6th and will run for one month.
Oregon and Washington artists will be invited to submit a total of ten (10) images of their artwork via during the dates listed above. Artists have two different options available to them:
- Submit a range of examples of their work, showing the variety of pieces that are available. If the jury selects the artist, then they will make a recommendation of what their preferred style of work is, and the Gallery Manager will meet with the artist to discuss which works will be selected
- Submit a single group or style of works. The jury will make their decision based on these and then the Gallery Manager will work with the artist to select the pieces for the show.
All artists who are accepted as Member Artists can have up to six (6) ready-to-display artworks included in the New Artist Show. Images must represent works that will be available for inclusion in our upcoming shows.
Application Procedures
If you are an Oregon or Washington State artist and wish to apply, you may visit and look for the RSG Logo for the New Member Artists Show. This link is not yet open, going live when the application process opens on Sunday, September 1st.
Image Submission Guidelines
- Each artist may submit up to three (Spring and Fall Member Artist Shows) or ten (New Artists Show) images, only one per artwork.
- Images should be high quality and submitted in digital format through
- Artists must only submit images of available work for the Gallery jury’s consideration.
- The Rental Sales Gallery reserves the right to disqualify entries if actual artwork differs markedly from images originally submitted.
- For the best image quality the judges can review, you will want your images sized to the approximate resolution of at least 800 pixels* and no greater than 1920 pixels on the LONGEST side @ 72ppi. Your image MUST be at least 800 pixels on the longest side. Be sure to include image title, size, medium and price as indicated.
- You will also be instructed to submit some general information about yourself, your background, education and your résumé via the website.