Stacy Lovejoy: Global Provider of Omnipotence and Eternal Youthfulness
Creating art takes me back to my childhood – that time when you admire water drops which sparkle in a
sunny ray; seek funny characters in a rug; giggle over your puddle reflection and smile when a gentle wind
tickles your cheeks. A time when you are happy-go-lucky, sensitive, almighty, and sometimes naive, but
always genuine. I am an eternal child and art allows me to maintain this state of being.
I globalize the healing with joy with the main goal is to awaken people, tickle their mind, and say: “Hey guys!
This world is too simple to be taken so seriously!” I wish for people to realize that being an adult is the same
as being a child, but with far more benefits. As an adult, you belong to yourself and the most important thing
is that you have a choice! It means you can have as much candy as you wish, even in place of dinner! And
you can wear your clothes inside out, crawl the whole day instead of walking, and climb a tree with a
candelabra on your head.
To see these works in the flesh, please join us in the gallery, opening night for our New Artists Show.